1968年安德魯以工程學的學位大學畢業。 他首先申請了這來之不易的知識計算領域,但很快體會他更喜歡想法是自己經營的,並且不久,在倫敦發現自己工作為一個造景園家。

1975年時當使用他的綠色貿易在一輛古老Morris 1000年搬運車後面之外,一個機會與雛鳥Bickerton摺疊的自行車的業主的會議,再改變了他的事業的方向。 看Bickerton的設計,他認為他可能可以做出更好,並且產生了一種新方法到設計一輛摺疊的自行車的挑戰。

理論看起來,有充足地承諾,有為安德魯設法獲得從朋友資助,集資生產原型1, 2與3。 從俯瞰布朗普頓禮拜堂而擺脫在倫敦南Kensington的安德魯的狹小臥室 - Brompton自行車就此誕生了。

Andrew Ritchie left university in 1968 with a degree in Engineering. He first applied this hard-won knowledge in the nascent field of computing but soon realised he preferred the idea of being self-employed and before long, found himself working as a landscape gardener in London. While plying his green trade out of the back of an ancient Morris 1000 van in 1975, a chance meeting with a backer of the fledgling Bickerton folding bicycle changed the direction of his career again. Looking at the Bickerton's design, he thought he could do better and came up with a fresh approach to the challenge of designing a folding bike.
The theory looked sufficiently promising that Andrew managed to obtain backing from friends to fund the production of prototypes and in due course prototypes 1, 2 and 3 emerged from the cramped confines of Andrew's bedroom overlooking the Brompton Oratory in South Kensington, London - Brompton Bicycle was born.